Program 2009
4. Juni
0830-0900 Mottagelse og kaffe for deltakere i PhD-kollokviet
0900-1200 PhD kollokvium ledet av professor Richard P. Bagozzi og professor Kjell Grønhaug
1200-1300 Lunsjbuffet
1300-1315 Åpning av konferansen ved Ove Gustafsson, dekan TØH
1315-1400 Plenumsforedrag ved professor Richard P. Bagozzi – Marketing in the spirit of Johan Arndt: Using plural subject theory as perspective
1415-1715 Sesjon 1: Faglig
Exploring Network Potentials in Supply Chain Management
Tina Aune, Elsebeth Holmen and Ann-Charlott Pedersen
Plural governance, Marketing Relationship Design, and Performance Outcomes
Kenneth Wathne, Alok Kumar and Jan Heide
1515-1530 Kaffepause
A Knowledge-based view of relational norms
Jon Bingen Sande and Sven Haugland
The Interacting University: Effects for Cooperating Organizations
Espen Gressetvold and Debbie Harrison
The Effects of Cross-Functional Cooperative Intensity on Product Advantage
Izabela L. Sandvik, David Arnett and Kåre Sandvik
The success of market orientation and innovation orientation: Effects of products versus services
Herbjørn Nysveen, Tor Wallin Andreassen and Per Pedersen
1415-1715 Sesjon 2: Undervisning / Pedagogikk
Reklamens gjennombrudd i Norge: Fortellingen om såmannen Robert Millar
Svein Linge Solberg, Førsteamanuensis emeritus – TØH
1515-1530 Kaffepause
Hvordan lage et bedre undervisningsopplegg gjennom bruk av teorier fra Constructive Allignment (avstemt undervisningsdesign)
Cecilie Staude, Høyskolelektor – BI
Utdanning, forskning og næringsliv
Daniel Cardona, Markedsdirektør – Sparebankgruppen
1715-1730 Kaffepause
1730-1830 Plenumsforedrag ved Ole Erik Almlid, nyhetsredaktør Aftenposten: Markedsstrategi i et fallende annonse- og avismarked
2000 Festmiddag i speilsalen
5. Juni
0830-1000 Plenumsforedrag ved professor Richard P. Bagozzi – Studying brain processes in managers using fMRI
1000-1015 Kaffepause
1015-1215 Sesjon 3: Faglig
Brand Extensions Evaluations: Influences of Global or Local Origin
Nina Iversen, Leif Hem and Leslie de Chernatony
Extending the Domain of Animosity in a Cross-National Context: The Effect of Psychosocial Outcomes on Buying Intentions
Erik Nes and Ragnhild Silkoset
Extending Where? How Consumers’ Perception of the Extension Category Affects Brand Extension Evaluation
Radu-Mihai Dimitriu
1015-1215 Sesjon 4: Faglig
It’s Hard To Be a BMW Driver: Differences and Differentiation Within a Brand Community
Njål Sivertstøl
The Impact of Differences in Social Context and Culture in Consumer Decision-Making
Chunyan Xie and Kjell Grønhaug
Culture and the Perceived Importance of Corporate Endorsement: A Structural Model
Alexander Jakubanecs and Magne Supphellen
Frontline Employees’ Personality Traits: Customer Preferences and the Homophily Effect
Sandra Streukens and Tor Wallin Andreassen
1015-1215 Sesjon 5: Undervisning / Pedagogikk
Entreprenørskap i videregående skole – Et skoleeksempel for studiespesialisering
Anders Buhaug, Lektor – Adolf Øiens Skole
Casebasert undervisning i markedsføring: Hvor er vi? – Hvor går vi?
Marit Elvsås Høyskolelektor – HiL
1215-1300 Lunsj
1300-1345 Plenumsforedrag ved Per Mikalsen, kommersiell leder RBK: Hvordan Markedsfører og Bygger Vi Merkevaren RBK
1400-1630 Sesjon 6: Faglig
E-Procurement: Identifying Critical Factors on an Inter-Organizational Level
Ezanee md. Elias, Luitzen de Boer and Olav Solem
1445-1500 Kaffepause
Role of Nationality in Strategy Formulation in International Markets: An Exploratory Study of German, Norwegian and Signaporean Firms
Carl Arthur Solberg and Francois Durrieu
The Tradeoff Between Safeguarding and Adaptation in B2B Marketing Systems
Arne Morten Ulvnes and Håvard Huse
1400-1630 Sesjon 7: Faglig
Service Differentiation: A Self-Image Congruency Perspective on Brand Building in the Labor Market
Tor Wallin Andreassen and Even Lanseng
1445-1500 Kaffepause
The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility and Involvement on Consumer Responses
Karin Gjerde, Christine Midbøe and Line Lervik Olsen
Samsvar Mellom Originalmerkets Merkepersonlighet og Annonsens Merkepersonlighet på Konsumentens Holdning til Merkeutvidelser
Birger Opstad
Johan Arndt Conference, NHH, June 11-12, 2015
Thursday, June 11th | ||
9.00-9.45 | Registration | |
9.45-10.00 | Welcome by the JA Committee 2015:NHH-Professors Leif Hem, Ingeborg Astrid Kleppe, and Sigurd Troye | |
10.00-10.45 | Key note speaker![]() ![]() Professor Markus Giesler, Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto Giesler’s website: Markus Giesler’s work focus on market system dynamics and design, and has been published in top-tier academic journals such as the Journal of Consumer Research and the Journal of Marketing, and profiled by, among others, the New York Times, Time Magazine, Financial Times, Fast Company, and Marketing Magazine. His weekly marketing column appears at the Huffington Post. | |
10.45-11.00 | Refreshment break | |
11.00-12.15 | Presenters Professor Diane Martin, Aalto University ![]() ![]() Professor Ove Jakobsen, Bodø ![]() ![]() Diane’s passion for the natural environment and the Earth’s wild places has led her to reexamine marketing in the context of sustainable practices. In her recent textbook, Sustainable Marketing,Diane brings the power of marketing to the problem of how to remain competitive while restoring the Earth’s natural capital and creating greater wellbeing for a global population. Ove Jakobsen is professor in Ecological Economics at Bodø Graduate School of Business, University of Nordland, where he is leader and co-founder of Centre for Ecological Economics and Ethics. He has published a great number of books and articles in ecological economics and ethics nationally and internationally. | |
12.30-13.30 | Conference lunch and mingling | |
13.30-14.15 | Panel discussion with questions from responsible consumers in the audience How can consumers and marketers co-operate in the production and consumption of sustainable marketplace practices? Panel: Giesler Jakobsen Martin | |
14.15 –14.30 | Refreshments | |
14.30 –15.45 | Parallel paper session | Parallel paper session |
19.00 | Conference dinner | |
Extra-curricularactivities J | Combine the conference with the music festival Bergenfest: night outdoor concert with Patti Smithor before dinner Concert with Grammy winner Sam Smith | |
Friday, June 12th | ||
9.30-11.00 | What is going on under the Umbrella of Center for Service Innovation Facilitator: Director of Partner Relationships Annita Fjuk ![]() ![]() 09:45-10:05 Customer engagement with dull services: An experimental study of regulatory fit in social media (Per Egil Pedersen & Birgit Solem) 10:05-10:25 Self-service innovation and digital trust (Siv Skard) 10:25-10:45 Business model innovation (Tina Saebi) 10:45-11:00 Experience centricity – implications for organizational culture (Annita Fjuk in dialogue with Tore Hillestad) | |
11.00-11.15 | Refreshment break | |
11.15 12.00 | Parallel paper session | Parallel paper session |
12.00- 12.30 | Closing plenary session Professor Leif Hem Post doc Siv Skard Professor Sigurd Troye ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
12.45 | Closing lunch |