Call for Papers, PhD-proposals, Marketing Education Ideas

Call for scientific papers, 1-side abstract innen 13 mai

Konferansen dekkker alle relevanter emner i markeing, i tillegg til tverrfaglige/alternative innganger til konferansetema i år. Vi inviterer innen områdene:

  1. Consumer Behavior
  2. Marketing Management
  3. Research Methods and Modeling in Marketing

Abstract sendes til innen 13.5.22. Innsendte bidrag blir evaluert basert på relevans og kvalitet og beslutning vil bli tatt fortløpende og senest 13.5.22.

Språk: Norsk eller engelsk

Call for proposals/full papers, 10 pages paper innen 13 mai

We invite PhD students to submit their proposals. The proposal can be at both an early or late stage (e.g., including data analysis), and we will consider a limited number of proposals for a special session. PhD students who would like to participate in the special PhD session at conference are invited to send their 10-page proposals (including summary and references) electronically to before 13 May. Submissions will be evaluated based on academic relevance and quality; notifications of acceptance will be given continuously by 13 May.

Full papers from PhD students and others will be read by a discussant that will lead the specific paper session.

Language: English

Presentation of new marketing education ideas: Call for abstracts

The conference also offers the opportunity to share new, innovative ideas about marketing education. These ideas should ideally be aimed at facilitating the dissemination of marketing knowledge through for instance the use of computer applications in marketing courses, innovations in traditional teaching methods, and the use of new media in marketing communications. Teaching ideas should be exemplified in a 1-3-page paper (including summary and references) which should be sent to before 13 May 2022. The ideas are evaluated by originality, innovativeness, and academic substance; notifications of acceptance will be given by 13 May.

Språk: Norsk eller engelsk