Parallel sessions


Thursday May 31th, 11.00-12.30 
Session 1, room C2-005Session 2, room C2-040Session 3, room B2-065
T. Gaustad, J. Utgård, G.J. Fitzsimons“How accidents can be good for thebrand: The role of accident-brandstereotype match and self-brandcongruity in user accidents”A. Jakubanecs, M. Supphellen“Blank endorsement: The addedvalue of unknown corporatebrands”L.E. Olsen, B.M. Samuelsen“Product placements effect in amovie:Results from a fieldstudy”C. Xie, R.P. Bagozzi, K. Grønhaug“Condemn the ‘non-green’ and praisethe ‘green’: Consumers response tocorporate environmental responsibleand irresponsible behavior”T. Tveita, S. Kaasbøll“Can information about eco-labelinginfluence consumers’ choice?”G. Svensson, M.A.O. Dos Santos, C. Padin“A socially adapted ‘bottom-line’approach to sustainability”N. Mæhle, N. Iversen, L. Hem“Marketing local food in therestaurants: Importance of localingredients for restaurant chefs andguests”C.A. Solberg, F. Durrieu“The impact of globalisationdrivers on strategy-performancerelationships in internationalmarkets”G. Alteren“Exporting perishable products toIndia, why is it so difficult?”
Session chair: B.M. SamuelsenSession chair: G. SvenssonSession chair: G. Alteren
Thursday May 31th, 14.30-16.15
Session 1, room C2-005Session 2, room C2-040Session 3, room B2-065
G. Svensson, C. Padin“Complexity in services”B. Tronvoll“The transition of service recovery”P.E. Pedersen, H. Nysveen“Explaining consumers’ acceptanceof rfid-enabled services:Moderating effects of consumercontrol and service sociability”N. Ronæs“Engasjement – stadig viktigere i auditoriet!”C. Staude“Sosialfrykt i akademia – bruk av sosialemedier i undervisningssammenheng”A. Nordhus“Kalkulasjon og prissetting i detaljhandelen”J.I. Fredriksen, Ø. SørebøRekruttering av medarbeidere ivarehandelen: Fra intuisjon tilstratgisk forankring”R.D. Van Oest, A. Hunneman“Estimating store trade areaswithout chasing customers”E.J. Lanseng, M.L. Majoor“Attractive versus popular: Men andwomen’s reactions to male andfemale models in advertising”H. Thorbjørnsen, E. Breivik“Drivers of purchase: The roles ofhabit and satisfaction”
Session chair: H. NysveenSession chair: J.I. FredriksenSession chair: H. Thorbjørnsen 
 Friday June 1st, 11.00-12.45
 Session 1, room C2-005Session 2, room C2-040 Session 3, room B2-065
S. Acar“Economic and relational negotiationoutcomes under different socialmotive compositions”J. Bingen Sande, K.H. Wathne“Measuring relational norms ashigher order belief structures”T. Mysen, G. Svensson, B. Tronvoll“The influence of shared businessethics on B2B relationshipcommitment: A nordic comparativestudy”L. Ganguli“Adoption of administrativeinnovation in public agencies”K. Sandvik, I. SandvikThe effects of life-cycle flexibility andnew product development proficiencyon financial performance”L.L. Olsen, T.W. Andreassen, S. Streutkens“Increasing customer complaints”B.A.A. Solem“Consumer engagement: A coreconcept in an online brandcommunity”
Session chair: T. MysenSession chair: K. SandvikSession chair: B.A.A. Solem


Johan Arndt Conference, NHH, June 11-12, 2015


  Thursday, June 11th
9.45-10.00Welcome by the JA Committee 2015:NHH-Professors Leif Hem, Ingeborg Astrid Kleppe, and Sigurd Troye
 10.00-10.45Key note speaker

Markus Giesler“Responsible Consumers
Professor Markus Giesler,
Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto
Giesler’s website:

Markus Giesler’s work focus on market system dynamics and design, and has been published in top-tier academic journals such as the Journal of Consumer Research and the Journal of Marketing, and profiled by, among others, the New York Times, Time Magazine, Financial Times, Fast Company, and Marketing Magazine. His weekly marketing column appears at the Huffington Post.
10.45-11.00 Refreshment break
Professor Diane Martin, Aalto University

Diane Martin“Sustainable Marketing”

Professor Ove Jakobsen, Bodø

«Ecological Economics»

Diane’s passion for the natural environment and the Earth’s wild places has led her to reexamine marketing in the context of sustainable practices. In her recent textbook, Sustainable Marketing,Diane brings the power of marketing to the problem of how to remain competitive while restoring the Earth’s natural capital and creating greater wellbeing for a global population.

Ove Jakobsen is professor in Ecological Economics at Bodø Graduate School of Business, University of Nordland, where he is leader and co-founder of Centre for Ecological Economics and Ethics.  He has published a great number of books and articles in ecological economics and ethics nationally and internationally.
12.30-13.30Conference lunch and mingling
13.30-14.15Panel discussion with questions from responsible consumers in the audience
How can consumers and marketers co-operate in the production and consumption of sustainable marketplace practices?
14.15 –14.30Refreshments
14.30 –15.45Parallel paper sessionParallel paper session
 19.00Conference dinner
Extra-curricularactivities JCombine the conference with the music festival Bergenfest: night outdoor concert with Patti Smithor before dinner Concert with Grammy winner Sam Smith
 Friday, June 12th
9.30-11.00What is going on under the Umbrella of Center for Service Innovation
Facilitator: Director of Partner Relationships Annita Fjuk

09:30-09:45 Innovation for customer value added (Annita Fjuk)
09:45-10:05 Customer engagement with dull services: An experimental study of regulatory fit in social media (Per Egil Pedersen & Birgit Solem)
10:05-10:25 Self-service innovation and digital trust (Siv Skard)
10:25-10:45 Business model innovation (Tina Saebi)
10:45-11:00 Experience centricity – implications for organizational culture (Annita Fjuk in dialogue with Tore Hillestad)
11.00-11.15Refreshment break
11.15 12.00Parallel paper sessionParallel paper session
12.00- 12.30Closing plenary session
Professor Leif Hem
Post doc Siv Skard
Professor Sigurd Troye
12.45Closing lunch